Experimental Markdown

Experimental markdown to check markdown parser compatibility between Gatsby, Jekyll, Gitbook, and Hugo.

Type 1

Success in Gatsby. Success in Jekyll. Fail in Gitbook. Fail in Hugo. Success in Obsidian.

Type 2 (Obsidian relative path to file)

Fail in Gatsby. Success in Jekyll. Success in Gitbook. Fail in Hugo. Success in Obsidian.

Type 3 (Obsidian absolute path in vault)

Fail in Gatsby. Fail in Jekyll. Success in Gitbook. Fail in Hugo. Success in Obsidian.

Type 4

Fail in Gatsby. Success in Jekyll. Fail in Gitbook. Fail in Hugo. Success in Obsidian.

Number and Bullet

  1. One
  2. Two
    • Three
    • Three.a
    • Three.b
  3. Four
  4. Five
  • List A
    1. List B
  • List C




<!-- Write your comments here -->

Here is the comment:

Symbol List

πŸ’¬ speech
🌏️ globe
⭐️ star
πŸš€ rocket
πŸ‘£ footprints
βš“οΈ anchor
πŸ”₯ fire
🎯 target
πŸ“Œ pin
β›” stop
‼️ double warning
❗️ warning
⁉️ question
βœ”οΈβ˜‘οΈ check mark
❌ cross
ℹ️ info
πŸ“§ email
🌐 web
β–Άβ–· triangle
⚠️ warning
πŸ’₯ danger
πŸ“ note
☝️ remember
⚑️ flash

Image Hosting in Github

QR Code Image-small

Tittle YAML

  • Cannot use : in tittle


  • Cannot use % { in github.io
  • Cannot use | in github.io


github.io and gitbook.io cannot render svg
